Festival University

transform your world

Photos by Ars Electronica

What does it take to initiate actual change? What transformation can students spark for a better tomorrow? What collaborative concepts of transformational change can students from all around the world working together for three weeks create?

100 young people from all around world with different cultural and educational backgrounds gathered to explore and define new ways towards digital transformation and transformational change.

In the autumn of 2021 I had a great opportunity to be a part of Festival University co-organized by Johannes Kepler University and Ars Electronica in Linz, Austria. Me and almost one houndred participants from all around the world worked together during 3 weeks to answer questions such as “How can we initiate the change?”, “How transformation and transformational change should look like?”, “What is the university of tomorrow?” and many more. With the help of inspirational talks by many experts, deep-dive discussions, hands-on workshops, field trips and much more we worked together on our own answer.

You can see my group Creative Robotics’s final presentation here.

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