Biometrics - Image processing

histogram, binarizations, filters

Photo by USGS on Unsplash

This is one of projects for Biometrics Basics course from 6th semester (Summer Semester 2019/20)


  • Operations on the File: Create New, Load, Save, Quit
  • Convert to BW
  • Gamma Correction
  • Update pixel value (RGB)
  • Histogram
    • Plot
      • R Channel
      • G Channel
      • B Channel
      • AVG
    • Normalization
    • Equalization
      • Grayscale
      • YCrCb
  • Binarization
    • Otsu
    • Binary Threshold
    • Niblack
  • Filter
    • Prewitt
    • Sobel
    • Laplace
    • Edge Detection
    • Median
    • Box Blur
    • Gaussian Blur
    • Kuwahara


  • GUI: PyQt5
  • Data Visualization: Matplotlib
  • Operations on data: NumPy


Main Window
Gamma Correction
Histogram Equalization
Equalized Histogram
Error Message
Binary Thresholding
Kuwahara Filter
Laplace Filter