Genetic Algorithm

finding extrema of a functions of two variables

Photo by Alexander Popov on Unsplash

This is my final project for Artificial Intelligence course from 4th semester (Summer Semester 2018/19), conducted in cooperation with Pawel.

For function parsing we used SymPy symbols and lambdify function which results then were computed using NumPy ndarrays.

PyQt5 as a GUI, Matplotlib as a data visualisation.


  • Defining function of two variables, its domain and range
  • Parsing function
  • Function visualization in 3D with possibility to manipulate angles of a 3D object
  • Defining crossover, mutation probability, number of individuals and epochs in GA
  • Plot of each generation
  • Summary with chromosome which values will give the best solution
  • Plot of best, median and mean value in each epoch


Functions visualization, setting function domain and range

\[x^2 + y^2; x \in \langle -2, 2 \rangle y \in \langle -2, 2 \rangle\]

\[x^3 + y^2; x \in \langle -3, 3 \rangle y \in \langle -4, 4 \rangle\]

\[-x^2 + 3 \cdot y; x \in \langle -3, 3 \rangle y \in \langle -4, 4 \rangle\]

Solving genetic algorithm

Generation plots

Heatmap and points representing chromosomes' value. First generation (left), last generation (right).


Chromosome values which will result in the best solution. Plot for best, median and mean in each generation.


In 2019 Pawel and I decided to update this project further and with our colleague Daniel we created a new version for Building Desktop Applications using WPF course from 6th Semester (Summer Semester 2019/20). We rewrite whole project to C# and add additional featues such as:

  • now many functions with various algorithm parameters can be computed at the same time
  • results can be exported to PDF file
Main window
Adding function
Adding algorithm parameters
Main window with added functions and parameters
Selecting which functions and parameters are being fit
Obtained result
Result's raport I
Result's raport II
Result's raport III
Exporting results to PDF
PDF file