Unforgiven Paradise

game for a teamwork project about lost innocence, childhood nostalgia and creatures lurking in the shadows

Unforgiven Paradise is a game which was created with a collaborative effort of Alicja, Paweł, Jakub, Michał, Piotr, Adrian and I. We were supposed to create something what requires a vast amount of team effort for year-long subject called “Teamwork project”.

As a Pink Bird Studio we decided to create a 2D, retro-styled platformer game with an unsettling plot about a girl who misteriously was trapped in hostile fantasy realm. During this project I have held various roles from Art Director, Animator, Enemy Designer and Map Creator to Physics and Gameplay Programmer. Our game was created using MonoGame framework. We had a chance to experience how it is to create a game from scratches, how to cooperate in group using Scrum methodology. Many mistakes were made, but it gives new opportunities for improvement in the future. Unfortunatelly after releasing a game demo at the end of our Team Project’s course we had to focus our energy in other courses and our theses. I do hope that in the nearest future we will have enough time to come back to this piece of work.


screenshot of an intro
screenshot of an intro
screenshot of an intro


screenshot of an intro
screenshot of an intro
screenshot of an intro


screenshot of an intro
screenshot of an intro
screenshot of an intro
Captions of into to our game portraying story setting
Girl falling into mystery realm


Here are few screenshots from a demo.

Game saving slots (left) and options (right).
First level spawn place (left). Campfire is used as a place where progress is saved (right).
Quick time event launched when girl gets trapped(left). Game over screen (right).
Lumberjack's place (left). Little Red Riding Hood and her wolves (right).
Escape from the wolves (left). Girl using shield to protect herself from the enemies (right).
Graveyard (left). Baba Yaga's place (right).


Gate, the end of a game demo (left). Outro I (right).
Outro II (left). Outro III (right).

Concept arts

Created by me