Unforgiven Paradise
game for a teamwork project about lost innocence, childhood nostalgia and creatures lurking in the shadows
Unforgiven Paradise
is a game which was created with a collaborative effort of Alicja, Paweł, Jakub, Michał, Piotr, Adrian and I. We were supposed to create something what requires a vast amount of team effort for year-long subject called “Teamwork project”.
As a Pink Bird Studio we decided to create a 2D, retro-styled platformer game with an unsettling plot about a girl who misteriously was trapped in hostile fantasy realm. During this project I have held various roles from Art Director, Animator, Enemy Designer and Map Creator to Physics and Gameplay Programmer. Our game was created using MonoGame
framework. We had a chance to experience how it is to create a game from scratches, how to cooperate in group using Scrum methodology. Many mistakes were made, but it gives new opportunities for improvement in the future. Unfortunatelly after releasing a game demo at the end of our Team Project’s course we had to focus our energy in other courses and our theses. I do hope that in the nearest future we will have enough time to come back to this piece of work.
Here are few screenshots from a demo.
Concept arts
Created by me